Seacoast Astrological
Advisory Services
Seacoast Astrological
Advisory Services
“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan

Your Source of All Things Astrology
Your Source of All Things Astrology
We Provide Straightforward Advice Based on Astrology
We Provide Straightforward Advice Based on Astrology
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Astrological Reports
Astrological Reports
Interested in a report?
You can get one in two (2) easy steps
Interested in a report?
You can get one in two (2) easy steps
Please fill out the birth data form for each report and then confirm the order by clicking on the 'Buy Now' button. We accept payments through ANYPAY.
3-Month Transit Report - $75.00 USD
Seacoast Astrological Advisory Services offers a number or computerized astrological reports for sale. If you’re not ready or can’t afford a session with an astrologer, this is a good alternative. A 3-month transit report will help you to plan your daily life by allowing you see the best days to plan meetings and events, travel, or help you understand why you are experiencing challenges or exceptionally great times.
We accept Crypto Currencies, Gold and Silver.

To know more, please send us an email at
Would you like to review a FREE SAMPLE of a Transit Report?
Professional Forecaster for Jeff Bezos - Sample
Natal Report - $90.00 USD
The computerized natal report is a great way to be introduced to astrology. It’s an easy way to help you understand the basics of your chart. Start to gain a better understanding of why you are the way you are and start your astrological journey with your own astrological natal chart and report.
We accept Crypto Currencies, Gold and Silver.

To know more, please send us an email at
Would you like to review a FREE SAMPLE of a Natal report?
Professional Natal Report for Jeff Bezos - Sample
Relationship Report - $60.00 USD
If you want insight into personal or professional relationships in your life, we have a relationship report that that will compare your chart and another’s to see where the compatibilities are as well as the challenges. Great for understanding the parent/child relationships, employer/employee compatibility—great for new hires, potential business partnerships, and romantic relationships—of course!
We accept Crypto Currencies, Gold and Silver.

To know more, please send us an email at
Would you like to review a FREE SAMPLE of a Relationship Report?