Seacoast Astrological
Advisory Services
Seacoast Astrological
Advisory Services
“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan
Leading People and Businesses to Go Beyond the Ordinary
Leading People and Businesses to Go Beyond the Ordinary
Seacoast Astrological Advisory Services is a company dedicated to guiding businesses and individuals using astrological techniques: answering life’s biggest questions, helping with strategic business decisions. With over 30 years in a corporate business environment and astrology, we serve clients around the globe.
While physically located on the New England seacoast, Seacoast Astrological Advisory Services will come to you via Skype or phone call.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide quality services to our clients. We aim not only to please our clientele but provide realistic advice based on comprehensive research and data.
Not only have we been practicing western Astrology for over 30 years, we are Big 4 Certified Public Accountants with over 30 years working with and advising public companies in the United States and around the world. We have successfully organized and run a local Astrological Association and have entertained some of the top astrologers of our generation including Rob Hand, Joyce Levine, Gary Christen, Madalyn Hillis-Dineen, Amy Shapiro, The Leo King David Palmer, Alphee Lavoie, Joanne Wickenburg and many more.
We live with our families in the quaint New England seaport town nof Portsmouth, New Hampshire, one hour north of Boston, Massachusetts.